Log in to bDCR

Enter your bDCR login credentials to continue. If you were provided a code to log in, click "I have a code" instead.

We couldn't find that account. Please try again.
This password is invalid. Please try again.

Cookie and Storage Usage

We use cookies to store your log in session. We also store locally, on your browser's storage, some additional data that bDCR uses to function.

  • We store data specifying any forms you submit and the data of forms you save so that bDCR can tell you if you have already submitted a form, as well as load your previous saved forms if they didn't get directly stored on our server (such as when you are logged in via an bDCR code, or viewing a public shared form while not logged in), and
  • We store, per-session, any accessibility settings you choose using our "Accessibility" panel on the right.

By using the bDCR service, you agree to the use of cookies and storage in this manner.

For more information about cookies, click here.